Class Packages – Topic Immersion

Resource Center > How to Use EngAGE EnCOURAGE™ > Class Packages – Topic Immersion

One of the goals of EngAGE EnCOURAGE™ is to provide an end to choppy unrelated activities and provide instead, a common theme that is used for several weeks. The culmination of the three-week course is a celebration!

The concept of “immersion” is the exact opposite of a lecture. Immersion is what we know to be holistic learning. Immersion provides opportunities to support different learning styles: see, hear, touch, and taste. Most importantly, using a common theme throughout the month enables each participant to have repeated exposure to the topic. Whether it is through music, poetry, a lifelong learning class, a short story, or a creative or expressive session, everyone experiences new things and has multiple opportunities to recall and validate their life experiences.

Each package includes:

(3) Lifelong learning classes
(3) Creative Workshop Sessions
(3) Expressive Sessions
(3) Songs & Playlists
(3) Call & Response Poetry

The fourth week is all about the celebration of everything that has been accomplished. But before celebrating, participants need to prepare & rehearse: choir practice, poetry rehearsal, set-up an art gallery display of legacy projects and host a celebration that includes family members and staff.

We are done sorting socks and playing Bingo! It is time to learn, laugh, and create.

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